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The Declaration contains no original ideas and we draw on the excellent work of individuals and organisations over many years.  We hope you will take a look at some of initiatives we have highlighted here (some more our listed in our preprint)


The list is not exhaustive and currently disproportionately represents European initiatives. Please get in touch to suggest additions or improvements.



AllTrials is a campaign to ensure all clinical trials are registered and published


Sunshine UK is a Voluntary register of doctors’ declared interests


Centre for Evidence Based Medicine is based at the University of Oxford based centre and develops, promotes and disseminates better evidence for healthcare, including contributing to the EBMLive conference


cOALition S (Plan S) was formed by national research funding organisations, with the support of the European Commission and the European Research Council (ERC) to achieve greater open access publication of research


Commercial influence in health: from transparency to independence is a BMJ collection about the impacts of financial conflicts of interest across research, education, practice and policy along with a call to action


Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research (EQUATOR) Network International initiative which aims to improve the reliability of published health research by promoting transparent and accurate reporting and wider use of robust reporting guidelines.


German Network for Evidence Based Medicine (EBM Netzwerk) promote the quality of patient care and disease prevention by applying the principles of evidence-based healthcare - in special dentistry, medicine, nursing, pharmacy and physiotherapy


HealthWatch UK is charity that promotes science and integrity in healthcare and health research


The Hong Kong Principles for assessing researchers were agreed at the 6th World Conference on Research Integrity which aim to bring considerations of trustworthiness, rigour and transparency to the assessment of research


Open Science Framework (OSF) is an on-line platform which facilitates open sharing and preregistration of research.


Oxford-Brazil EBM Alliance is an international partnership between Oxford’s Centre for Evidence Based Medicine and the Evidence Based Medicine Departments of leading Brazilian medical schools.


QUEST (Quality, Ethics, Open Science,Translation) Center for Transforming Biomedical Research is based in Berlin Institute of Health and hosts three research groups and activities include meta research to identify measures for improving research practice


ReproducibiliTea is a grassroots journal club initiative that helps researchers create local Open Science journal clubs at their universities to discuss diverse issues, papers and ideas about improving science, reproducibility and the Open Science movement.


REWARD Alliance grew from the 2014 Lancet series on waste in research and exists to share and exchange information and resources to help increase the value of research and reduce research waste


San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) calls for improvement in how research quality is evaluated


Sense About Science is a campaigning charity that challenges misrepresentation of science and evidence and advocates for increased openness and honesty about research findings


TranspariMED is a campaigning organisation which advocates for registration and full reporting of clinical trials


TrialsTracker Project hosts trackers created by EBM Datalab (University of Oxford) which monitor trial reporting performance of pharmaceutical companies, universities, funders, sponsors, and other organisations


UK Reproducibility Network (UKRN) promotes the practices of open science in UK research institutions


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